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Detox programs

Detox is a buzzword that means a comprehensive cleansing of the body, primarily starting with the intestines, liver and gallbladder. There are a lot of detox techniques, ranging from fasting and Russian baths to oriental practices. Based on this, when applying detoxification, so that it only benefits, you need to take into account the individuality of each organism, gently stimulating the natural cleansing process. As well as mandatory medical supervision!
There are many reasons for "slowing down" your body - poor ecology, uncontrolled use of medicines, unbalanced diet, abuse of fast food and much more. Detox diet will help you free your body from toxins, poisons, edema and excess weight.
Detox diet
A detox diet is a diet that helps cleanse the human body of metabolic products. Such products are "harmful", resulting from the breakdown of fats and proteins. It is necessary to exclude them and easily digestible carbohydrates from your diet, because they cause damage to your body.
By applying detoxification, you rid your body not only of metabolic products, but also of salt and excess fluids. The result is the absence of edema, both external and internal. By getting rid of excess fluids, you will lose weight, but you will not get rid of fat deposits. You can fix the situation with the help of physical activity, their use will help the body actively burn fat.
You need to use a detox diet wisely, it will undoubtedly benefit your body. The main thing is not to take it to the extreme – to deprive your body of protein intake for a long time. Do not forget that proteins are the building blocks for the body. Prolonged absence of proteins in the food consumed can cause damage to the body, defects appear – not only dryness, but also sagging skin, tarnishing hair, nails become soft and brittle. In addition, decreased immunity and, as a result, frequent colds.
There are a lot of detox dieting schemes, for a period of one to three weeks. You can use a fasting day once a week. It is better if this day falls on the weekend, not to eat absolutely anything except distilled water, about 1.5-2 liters. Having a diuretic effect, distilled water removes all toxins and poisons from the body. It's much easier to endure a hungry day if you don't eat anything in the morning.


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