Up to 25% and 35% off perfumes and beauty products.

Dear client, dear client.

Thanks for visiting our site: www.https://parisparfums.fr/en/ 

We welcome you to our specialized online website, classic perfumes and designers, women or men.

Below you will find the various references and contacts of PARIS PARFUMS. The capital of the company is: €46400. the registered office is in France at THANN at 68 rue de la Première Armée-68800 registered in the register of commerce and companies of the RCS under the number se Siret: 94645187900013 hereinafter referred to as "PARIS PARFUMS

Perfume shops and physical contacts:

1) Mulhouse 13 wild street. 68100 - France +33 (0)3 89 45 38 37. contact@parisparfums.fr

2) THANN. 68 Rue de la 1ère Armée, 68800 - France +33 (0)3 89 37 07 22. contact@parisparfums.fr

3) CONTACTS: telephone from abroad 00 33 3 89 45 38 37 / 00 33 3 89 37 07 22 / 00 33 6 95 94 64 64

4. ACCOMMODATION: the online site PARISPARFUMS.FR is hosted by the company OVH under the name OVH SAS with a capital of 10 069 020€ under the number RCS LILLE METROPOLE: 424 761 419 000 45 at the address: 2 rue Kellermann 59100 ROUBAIX- FRANCE

5) Intra-Community VAT: FR70946451879

Head of publication: Emmanuel Roy as Director General.